Come with me to Scotland! Sir Alexander Gray (born 1882) describes Scotland as a land of rugged Highlands and wide-open spaces. “Here in the Uplands The soil is ungrateful; The fields, red with sorrel, Are stony and bare. A few trees, wind-twisted - Or are they but bushes? - Stand stubbornly guarding A home here and there.” The Scottish is, in Gray’s words, land which is, for the most part, “Despising the plough.” Gray is not looking down on the Scottish countryside with contempt. He is not disowning his native-land. He writes: “The marsh and the moorland are not to be banished”. Affirming his love for Scotland, Gray writes, “This is my country, The land that begat me. These windy spaces Are surely my own. And those who here toil In the sweat of their faces are flesh of my flesh And bone of my bone.” Scotland, and its people, may well be, for the most part, somewhat unsophisticated. There is, however, to be ashamed of Scotland and its people. Scotland’s capital city,...
Notes on God's Word