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Showing posts with the label christ's victory

Preaching God's Word: Revelation

Jesus speaks to the Church of Laodicea - and the Church of today! Revelation 3:14-22 (a) The people spoken to by Jesus; (b) The warning given by Jesus; (c) The promise given by Jesus. ----- (a) The Laodiceans were unbearable boasters - "I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing" (v. 17a). The Laodiceans were not troubled by any consciousness of sin. The Laodiceans would never think of praying, "O God, be merciful to me, the sinner." The Laodiceans thought that they had arrived. They were the people. The Laodiceans thought that they had no need for correction and rebuke. The Laodiceans thought that they were above the call for repentance. The Laodiceans felt that they could do as they pleased without taking Christ seriously. The Laodiceans were lukewarm. They were neither hot nor cold. They were half-hearted. They were spineless. they were apathetic. They were always ready to compromise. They were indifferent. They had the "we're all good peop...

Outstanding Love, Overwhelming Victory and Overflowing Peace

"… so outstanding is His love …”(Psalm 103:11) "… overwhelming victory is ours …” (Romans 8:37). “The peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). This is the overflowing peace of God – The peace of God in our hearts is an overflow from the God of peace, who, in Jesus Christ, has come to live in our hearts.  * The overflowing peace of God comes to us from the outstanding love of God.  * The overflowing peace of God comes to us from the overwhelming victory of God.  – Let us receive the outstanding love of God.  – Let us rejoice in the overwhelming victory of God.  – Let us rest in the overflowing peace of God.