What is to be our attitude to the Sabbath? The best way to develop a proper attitude, a Christian attitude, to the Sabbath is to look, first of all, at Jesus' attitude to the Sabbath. In a very real sense, the specific question, "What is to be my attitude to the Sabbath?" is included in the broader question, "What is to be my attitude to Jesus?" As we look Jesus' attitude to the Sabbath, with a view to answering the question, "What is to be my attitude to the Sabbath?", we notice two key features. There is Someone greater than the Sabbath - Jesus ( John 5:18 ). this is the dividing line between a disciple and a Pharisee. A disciple comes to the Saviour. A Pharisee, with all his Sabbath-keeping, does not acknowledge his need of the Saviour. Jesus viewed His whole life as holy to God and wholly to God ( John 5:17 ) for service. From these two observations about Jesus, we note five further principles concerning the place of the Sabbath in...
Notes on God's Word